Preppy Icon

Preppy Icon

What is a Preppy Icon?

Preppy Icon

A preppy icon is someone who embodies the preppy fashion and lifestyle. Preppy is a term used to describe a particular style that originated from the classic American East Coast culture. It represents a clean, polished, and sophisticated look that is associated with higher education, old money, and traditional values.

The Origins of Preppy Fashion

Preppy Fashion

The preppy fashion style emerged in the 1950s and 1960s among the elite Ivy League college students, such as those from Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. These students were known for their privileged backgrounds and their adherence to a specific dress code that included tailored clothing, boat shoes, and various accessories.

Characteristics of Preppy Style

Preppy Style

The preppy style is characterized by a combination of classic and timeless clothing pieces. Some key elements of the preppy style include:

  • Button-down shirts
  • Polo shirts
  • Khaki pants
  • Navy blazers
  • Cardigans
  • Loafers

These garments are often worn in a layered manner, creating a put-together and sophisticated look. The color palette of preppy fashion tends to revolve around neutrals, such as navy, white, and beige, with occasional pops of bold colors.

Preppy Icons in Pop Culture

Preppy Icons

Over the years, several individuals have become preppy icons due to their influential style and embodiment of the preppy lifestyle. One notable preppy icon is Jackie Kennedy Onassis, the former First Lady of the United States. She was known for her elegant and refined style, often seen wearing tailored dresses, pearls, and oversized sunglasses.

Another preppy icon is Ralph Lauren, the fashion designer who popularized the preppy aesthetic through his brand. Ralph Lauren's designs often feature classic silhouettes, nautical themes, and a sense of timeless elegance.

How to Achieve the Preppy Look

Preppy Look

If you want to embrace the preppy style and become a preppy icon yourself, here are some tips:

  1. Invest in classic wardrobe staples such as tailored blazers, button-down shirts, and loafers.
  2. Opt for high-quality fabrics like cotton, wool, and cashmere.
  3. Embrace a clean and polished appearance by paying attention to grooming and personal hygiene.
  4. Accessorize with items like pearl necklaces, silk scarves, and leather belts.
  5. Choose a color palette that includes timeless neutrals and classic patterns like stripes and polka dots.
  6. Don't be afraid to mix and match different preppy elements to create your own unique style.


The preppy style has stood the test of time and continues to be a symbol of sophistication and elegance. Whether you're looking to embrace the preppy look or simply admire the preppy icons of the past, the preppy style offers a timeless and refined approach to fashion and lifestyle.

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